Market sentiment and contrary opinion as measured by various indicators have been used by traders for many years. The theory of contrary opinion asserts that if a majority of traders agrees on the direction of a market move, then the odds are significant that prices will, in fact, move in the opposite direction. Various measures of market sentiment have been used over the years in attempts to apply contrary opinion effectively in the markets. Among these are odd lot short sales, options volatility, broker opinion surveys, and trader opinion surveys. The good news is that the theory of contrary opinion is correct; the bad news is that the traditional measures of contrary opinion either tend to be LATE or generally unreliable. Learn More
Market sentiment and contrary opinion as measured by various indicators have been used by traders for many years. The theory of contrary opinion asserts that if a majority of traders agrees on the direction of a market move, then the odds are significant that prices will, in fact, move in the opposite direction. Various measures of market sentiment have been used over the years in attempts to apply contrary opinion effectively in the markets. Among these are odd lot short sales, options volatility, broker opinion surveys, and trader opinion surveys. The good news is that the theory of contrary opinion is correct; the bad news is that the traditional measures of contrary opinion either tend to be LATE or generally unreliable. Learn More
Market sentiment and contrary opinion as measured by various indicators have been used by traders for many years. The theory of contrary opinion asserts that if a majority of traders agrees on the direction of a market move, then the odds are significant that prices will, in fact, move in the opposite direction. Various measures of market sentiment have been used over the years in attempts to apply contrary opinion effectively in the markets. Among these are odd lot short sales, options volatility, broker opinion surveys, and trader opinion surveys. The good news is that the theory of contrary opinion is correct; the bad news is that the traditional measures of contrary opinion either tend to be LATE or generally unreliable. Learn More
Market sentiment and contrary opinion as measured by various indicators have been used by traders for many years. The theory of contrary opinion asserts that if a majority of traders agrees on the direction of a market move, then the odds are significant that prices will, in fact, move in the opposite direction. Various measures of market sentiment have been used over the years in attempts to apply contrary opinion effectively in the markets. Among these are odd lot short sales, options volatility, broker opinion surveys, and trader opinion surveys. The good news is that the theory of contrary opinion is correct; the bad news is that the traditional measures of contrary opinion either tend to be LATE or generally unreliable. Learn More
Market sentiment and contrary opinion as measured by various indicators have been used by traders for many years. The theory of contrary opinion asserts that if a majority of traders agrees on the direction of a market move, then the odds are significant that prices will, in fact, move in the opposite direction. Various measures of market sentiment have been used over the years in attempts to apply contrary opinion effectively in the markets. Among these are odd lot short sales, options volatility, broker opinion surveys, and trader opinion surveys. The good news is that the theory of contrary opinion is correct; the bad news is that the traditional measures of contrary opinion either tend to be LATE or generally unreliable. Learn More
Market sentiment and contrary opinion as measured by various indicators have been used by traders for many years. The theory of contrary opinion asserts that if a majority of traders agrees on the direction of a market move, then the odds are significant that prices will, in fact, move in the opposite direction. Various measures of market sentiment have been used over the years in attempts to apply contrary opinion effectively in the markets. Among these are odd lot short sales, options volatility, broker opinion surveys, and trader opinion surveys. The good news is that the theory of contrary opinion is correct; the bad news is that the traditional measures of contrary opinion either tend to be LATE or generally unreliable. Learn More
Market sentiment and contrary opinion as measured by various indicators have been used by traders for many years. The theory of contrary opinion asserts that if a majority of traders agrees on the direction of a market move, then the odds are significant that prices will, in fact, move in the opposite direction. Various measures of market sentiment have been used over the years in attempts to apply contrary opinion effectively in the markets. Among these are odd lot short sales, options volatility, broker opinion surveys, and trader opinion surveys. The good news is that the theory of contrary opinion is correct; the bad news is that the traditional measures of contrary opinion either tend to be LATE or generally unreliable. Learn More
This book reveals why metals are such an attractive investment vehicle among investors and speculators today,
and shows you how you can profitably add metals to your investment portfolio, too.
Jake Bernstein, one of today’s leading authorities on investing in metals, introduces you to today’s premier metals.
This book outlines the history, application, location, and availability of gold, silver, platinum, and palladium …
the important base metals (copper and tin) … |and a wide range of strategic metals, from antimony to zirconium Learn More
Timing futures trades with the DSI...
Why Traders Lose, How Traders Win provides all the information needed to better understand, appreciate
and apply the fantastic power of daily market sentiment. Learn More
6 Best Timing Triggers Webinar - Presented by Jake Bernstein 08/29/12
Rock solid and professional presentation designed to help you GRAB and MAXIMIZE the coming big market moves in stocks, futures and Forex. Learn More