How to See Beyond Short-Term Stock Market Volatility to Predictable Trends and Major-Market Opportunities
Learn how to locate and take advantage of 'time window' investment opportunities. Learn More
Know your odds and the ideal trend before they happen!
NEW! Weekly Seasonal Stock Charts 2013 Edition
93 charts by market and contract month showing average weekly seasonal trend
105 pages of solid actionable information
Charts show % of time market has closed UP or DOWN from last weekly close
Identifies HIGH odds weeks
Identifies HIGHEST odds up and down moves
See the entire year at a glance
Complete with detailed instructions for use
Includes tips and strategies for getting the greatest profit advantage from
the seasonal trends
Shows usual week of seasonal HIGH and LOW for each stock
Shows relative size of up and down moves
Covers over 110 years of market history on the Dow Jones Average
Helps you find and trade the BEST short-term and intermediate-term seasonal moves Learn More
*Legal Inside Information: My Definition
Legal inside information by my definition is "market generated information
and/or data that is available to anyone." The primary sources of such inside
information as I define it will be illustrated at my webinar. Learn More
Each 90 minute session will deal with a specific trading issue or aspects of that issue and I will provide several working, cogent, solutions to that problem. We will have six sessions in all, each one dedicated to a specific trading problem and its solutions. I will not sugarcoat anything, but I will give you answers that you can really use based on my vast expertise and knowledge! SESSION1: Overview of the most serious trading issues The 5 categories of trading problems that limit performance Behaviors consistent with failure: examples Behaviors consistent with success: examples Methods for change How to overcome issues Practical solutions: 2 procedures you can implement immediately SESSION 2: Problems of discipline Definitions and examples How to identify subtle and obvious discipline issues The origin of discipline Is your system bad for you or are you bad for your system? Finding the right fit Easy to implement solutions and examples SESSION 3: Lack of organization How to identify the problem Consequences and examples Simple solutions Detailed solutions How to vastly improve efficiency SESSION 4: Inability to maximize profits WHY traders take profits too fast HOW to overcome the “get out fast before it’s over” syndrome How LESS is MORE 4 easy to implement profit maximizing strategies Track records compared: with and without profit maximizing strategies SESSON 5: Errors of focus Defining focus How to know if you lack focus Examples of how lack of focus limits profits Types of focus 5 ways to fix your focus SESSION 6: Tell me your troubles Examining trading issues YOU have sent me for discussion An anonymous look at problems sent in by the group Knowing the exact issue(s) FIXES and solutions Summary and overview Learn More
My 4X Short-Term Trader trading system trades a basket of cross currencies on a very short-term basis. The system runs under Genesis Trade Navigator™ gold or platinum versions and provides exact entry, exit, and follow-up instructions at the end of each trading day. Since traders always want to know about performance, below is one of the historical records from my new system. More performance histories are presented later in this announcement. This is not a day trading system! You only need to get the orders report at the end of the trading day and it tells you what orders to place for the next day. Learn More
Timing futures trades with the DSI...
Why Traders Lose, How Traders Win provides all the information needed to better understand, appreciate
and apply the fantastic power of daily market sentiment. Learn More
Status of the long-term US real estate market
Status of foreign real estate markets, particularly Asia and Australia
Current opportunities in specific US areas
Farmland trend and price projections
REITS: buy, sell or hold?
6 Housing stocks to buy for the long-term; when and at what prices
Interest rate and mortgage rate projections: lock in now or float?
5 Real estate related ETF'S and stocks hand-picked for the next secular upmoves
And much more
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